Saturday, December 22, 2012

Double Standard (Mukh mein Ram bagal mein Chhuri)

Most often I have chance to interact with the people who have sympathy with BJP (Bhartiya Janta Party) and that to most of them are padha likha tabka (literate class ). They have the political understanding. These kind of people have common traits to abuse congress and its leadership to any extent (it does not mean that I have any sympathy with congress). There would be two hot topic among them for discussion and debate. Number 1 is terrorism and number 2 is corruption. Their claim is that congress is being soft in tackling terrorism. They are not aware that congress is the mother BJP and parents are more aware about its kids. I asked them that BJP and RSS is no more behind in terrorism, they did Makka Masjid blast, Malegaon Blast and Samjahuta express blast (everyone knows about the Sadhawi Pragya Singh), they will reply these cases are under judicial consideration and so keep their silence. Now they know why congress is soft in curbing terror. After 2009 General election, when issue of terrorism subsided, then BJP picked up issue of corruption. The corruption is real monster now and hindering growth of India. But now BJP president Mr. Nitin Gudkari is in list of top corrupt politician who have the business relationship with NCP and Congress. One of the sympathizer tells " The allegations against him still don’t indicate either criminality or corruption and until it does, he’s on safe ground". Is this statement is not applicable for all citizen of India? Irrespective of party, cast, creed and religion? Now you ask any BJP sympathizer, to whome to vote and elect because both congress and BJP are corrupt, you will get the answer like "Look both BJP and Congress is corrupt so we have to choose less corrupt and hence the BJP is only option". I asked them dear why dont you choose some third option, like regional parties for betterment of India as great nation, they will again go in silence. Even though BJP is also corrupt and involved in terror related activities, I dont know what they expect from BJP to do???