Friday, January 18, 2019

Constitution of India in Urdu (Hindostan ka Aayeen)

Hindostan ka Aayeen yahan se download karein ⇓⇓

Monday, January 14, 2019

Vande Mataram, Indian Muslims and Question of Patriotism

Historical Background:

Vande Mataram was being used against the British Rule by then Bengali Movement for freedom from colonial British rule. That was the reason British Govt. banned the Vande Mataram songs for any such movement in Bengal/ India. The song was written by Bengali writter and poet Shri Bankim Chandra Chatarjee and later the song was composed by Dr. Rabindra Nath Thakur for national movement. The use of song Vande Matram was purely for freedom movement against the British Colonial rule. Their was no communal portray of the song by anyone in India either by Hindus or by Muslims while fighting for the freedom for mother India.

Changing Political Discourse:

Later, when the political discourse started changing in India. RSS and its affiliate organizations started becoming strong due to theirs communal Agenda to divide India on the basis of religious faith and affiliations which was being further given huge supply of oxygen by Babri Masjid and Ram Mandir dispute. 

RSS portrayed India as deity (a lady holding saffron flag - which is against imagination of any non-RSS Indian about Idea of India, point to be noted that the lady in below image is not holding a tricolor flag) and RSS did not hosted tri-color in the RSS headquarter in Nagpur till early of 21 century. 

RSS gave this song a religious flavor and tried to exclude any other community with help of national song Vande Mataram by portraying a great nation India as deity, which is very true to RSS ideology to treat any other religion as foreign religion despite of the fact that RSS themselves are the Aryans and ancient European immigrants. By portraying India as deity, they mixed religion of majority, Hindus with idea of patriotism by knowing that many sons / citizens of India would be uncomfortable. The following data and genetic profile support the logic that RSS / Aryans were from Europe and not Indian and theirs own patriotism must be questioned;


The genetic evidence shown that upper castes being more similar to Europeans, whereas lower castes are more similar to Asians. The RSS is the hub for upper caste and all (90%) crucial party / organization posts are being hold by upper caste in RSS.

The one of the largest political party / organization, themselves are not Indian but ancient European, how they question someone else patriotism? Only because someone do not want to sing this song?

I think the criteria of patriotism must be different just not sing a song and you are patriotic. The Muslims should be sent to Pakistan and China borders and where ever there is dispute and land needs blood of Muslims to protect India's territory and its sovereignty. If any Muslim soldier show his back while fighting with enemy, then you are free to ask such questions on patriotism. 

RSS affiliates political and cultural wings tried to force Muslims to sing the song forcibly at many places. As Abrahmic monotheism does not allow Muslims and Christian and Jews to worship a deity which was portrayed by RSS. This took RSS to get the further politicize this issue against the Muslims, and question them on their patriotism although the fact of the matter is that most of the people who escape from India in current time under BJP government like Vijay Mallaya, Nirav Modi, Mehul Bhai Chauksi and Lalit Modi and many more are from upper caste Hindu community. They evaded the tax and looted the tax payers money, harmed Indian interest by evading tax and NPA waiver. They found their ancient natural home in Europe or America, as they have flew from India like Britishers did. This does not make any issue for RSS to ask theirs patriotism as being upper caste Hindu. This clearly shows, how RSS/ BJP is categorical patriotic and farcical hypocrites.

Therefore, basically the noble Vade Matram was being communally and politically used by RSS in current time to bully Muslims of India and make them others (they) socially, economically and politically. 

Even BJP (RSS Political wing) national spokes persons / MLA dont remember the Vande Mataram, and they never expelled them from party, here goes the evidence;
Despite of being fact that RSS / BJP leaders and workers, dont remember noble Vande Matram and cant sing, they neither understand it but they have all right to ask this questions to religious minority. Here goes the naked evidence against BJP / RSS leaders dont remember and neither understand it;

As free citizen, everyone have all choice to choose what to sing and what not to sing. Muslims do not have any dispute and issue to sing a national song like;

Saare Jahan Se Achcha, Hindostan Hamara.
Hum Bulbule Hain Iski Ye Gulistan Hamara.

RSS / BJP leaders and workers never asked a Muslim to sing this song (Saare Jahan Se Achcha), it is because this song is not disputed so RSS will be not able to create friction between communities and take Hindu Polarization vote questioning patriotism of Muslims.

Seculars, liberals, religious minorities, Dalits and women must not lead life as dictated by political discourse of RSS who is against the free thought, liberals, religious minorities / Dalits and women.

It is also important to note that those RSS functionary like Vir Savarkar worked as spy of British against #Indian ( Now RSS using Vande Matram in complete communal tone against Muslims #Minority to fulfill theirs racist Agenda based on hate to divide India on communal lines which was actually used to get #Indians united for freedom of India.

Indian Muslims are more patriotic than their RSS / BJP counterparts. Muslim leaders never worked as spy of British but RSS leaders did. Should I ask question of Patriotism of RSS / BJP workers? When RSS / BJP leader sent theirs children to fight in war against Pakistan and China? Muslims have numerous example from Abdul Hameed, to captain Haneefuddin of Kargil War.

Moreover, the slogan *Vande Matram and Bharat Mata ki Jai* has been used against the Bristish rulers to counter them and ask question to them that they should leave my country BUT BJP / RSS and theirs other affiliate right wing organization is using same slogan to silence religious and ideological minorities and forcing them to stop questioning the wrong doing of BJP government.

Therefore, it is expected from a citizen to ask questions that who are you to force another citizen to follow the script written by you? We live in great country India but we are not the actor of any scripted and directed movie to do things on light camera and action.