Sunday, April 12, 2009

Difference between Political Parties in India

Hi Friends,
General Election going to happen in April-May 2009.
When we were going through the news about the distribution of seats for Lok Sabha election, there was like war to get tickets from any party by a candidate to contest for MP seat. It was happening that if any sitting MP is not getting ticket from party to contest election then he resigned from the party and tried to get ticket from other party to contest MP election. Finally sitting MP manage to get ticket from other party.

One good example is....
Kalyan Singh (Ex CM-UP) when he felt that he does not have political career in BJP, he joined Samajwadi Party. We all know that how much he was involve to creat disharmony between the communities.
Second Example is...
Sadhu Yadav! He is brother in-law of Wel known Lalu Yadav. When he dint get ticket from the RJD (on desired seat where he was feeling that he will win) he resigned from RJD and joined the Congress party.
If you really look into the matter that how these politician and political parties are distributting the tickets..... you will realise that the tickets holder from each parties are either criminal/ kiddnaper or a very rich man who could manage to keep criminals.
You look for the congress....there are lots of like people contesting election.
BJP...No different than congress.
Samajwadi Party......the story goes same...
To whom you vote for???
The matter of intrest here is that these current politician/Political parties does not have shame or any moral.
They does not have any firm political thought for the development of society.
All political parties now in India are alike and they are against the development of our nation. They are against our societies, they dont want to keep us in peace.
These politician are working for thier political career only.
They never think about the career of nation.

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