Saturday, April 18, 2009

False Assurance

In this General Election 2009, almost all parties are trying to lure the "Aam Aadmi" and the "Poors" that after this election if they will come in the government, will provide rice and wheat 2-3 rupee per kg. Before putting these kind of assurance to public they should think twice that who will do cultivation if most of the farmer from Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Chattice Garh and from so many other Indian states are forced to commit suicide (Data tells that more than 1000 farmer across the India hanged themselves because they were not able to pay the lending money, they took for Agriculture in year 2007).

Friends, they are again trying to lure us by giving false assurance.
We cant get anything from these currupt politician except assurance!
We should protest and made them understand a lesson that we are no longer available to even listen these false assurance! All parties are alike if they are trying to please poor people of our nation without doing any ground work which really helps to alleviate poverty.

1 comment:

  1. Hello my freind I accept personally what you said but in other hand now a days in india Media is playing an most important role to expose such politicians & political parties so i think if our media will be loyal with us (common man) "AAM AADMI" we can get those privillages what we arn't getting today from our government/Politicians.
