Saturday, February 27, 2016

Lets Peace to Prevail

Lets Peace to Prevail, Lets women to get their long due rights Lets not allow any other massacre of Dalits to happen in either part of India Lets not allow communal riot to become tool to win election.. Lets not allow any stone pelting on the places of Prayer. Lets not allow girl child to be killed in the mothers womb. Lets not take dowry for marriage. Lets sit, listen and solve the problems of Maoist....they are Indians too. Lets work for creating employment and become job creator Lets not allow murder of the "Nido Tania"...if he is looking differently from Masses. Diabetes and Hypertension kills more than thousands of Indian...more than people killed in Terrorist attacks.. Lets make law for better health for all Indians..and ensure it reaches to poorer than poor Lets propagate scientific temperament among the Citizen of India, Lets not allow hate to propagate and take center stage. Lets not vote for Politicians Failed to keep their promises Lets not allow common conscience and opinion of the people to take on Judiciary Lets be justice there for all.. Lets not allow any fanaticism to take our liberty.. Lets independence for everyone, lets republic for everyone. Lets Peace to Prevail, Lets harmony to Prevail, Lets Peace to Prevail... Masih Azad

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