Saturday, February 27, 2016

Life Lifestyle diseases in Indian Urban Population

The survey shows that 50 to 60% of the Urban Population of India is suffering from lifestyle diseases. It comes automatically that what is life style diseases? The change in life style can be seen in the following way for example, I will take you back in the time, almost 30 years back;

1. Majority of the Indians used Bicycle for their most of the day to day work but now replaced by Motorbike and Cars - This is a change in Life style

2. In semi-urban and rural areas, we used to take water with help of bucket and rope / string from well BUT now it is replaced by Water motor machine for taking ground water for routine uses - This is a change in Life style.

3. The information technology and innovation of internet revolutionize the world and changed everything - Earlier we used to stand in the "Q" for hours to get our bank related work and now it is internet banking. Software related jobs are all day sitting no physical work. Documentation work of all kind of industry has become computer based resulted in no physical work....etc.......!!!!

This is a change in Life style. What is common in all above examples? It may be inferred that we have made our life very comfortable and easy. But the question is, what in return we are getting with easy and comfortable life style when it comes to health? Here are the list of life style disease which can be avoided without medicine;

1. Obesity
2. Type II diabetes (India tops the list in the world. Around 40.9 million people in India is suffering from this disease)
3. Arteriosclerosis (This is a group of diseases that occur when the arterial blood vessel walls thicken and lose elasticity. It is linked with diabetes, obesity and a high BP)
4. Heart disease (Refers to abnormalities that affect the heart muscle and blood vessel walls)
5. High blood pressure
6. Stroke
7. Swimmer's ear (Swimmer’s ears results due to loud music and constant use of headphones)
8. Cancer (The types of cancer could include lung cancer due to prolonged smoking, skin cancer due to too much exposure to the sun etc.) and there are many more...!

These all can be avoided if we take appropriate action on time. India is currently is Cricket focused nation. However, if we focus on Kabaddi, Football, badminton and make it routine habit then above life style diseases could be avoided otherwise India is becoming million billion dollars markets for drugs / Medicine. You should also note that current government is reducing the number of life saving drugs and doing so will increase the the cost of life saving medicines.

We have spoken in several occasion that VAT and any other tax on life saving drugs should be removed so that there should be easy access to medicine for all. Else it creates a situation that someone is dying from cancer but during treatment s/he is paying TAX to government. This looks inhumane.

"Price controls remain an effective answer to ensuring affordability. Even free markets in the West utilise price, volume and cost-effective controls to mitigate health-care inflation. Canada has its Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, while Egypt has brought all medicines under price control. Lebanon has utilised regressive margin pricing and improved transparency by publishing patient prices on its online Lebanon National Drug Index (AIDAN 2009)". (The Hindu, drug-pricing-a-bitter-pill-to-swallow/article8281282.ece by MP Feroz Varun Gandhi)

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