Sunday, December 30, 2018

Bait-al-Maal for Science and Technology and Bait-al-Maal for Business Start-ups

#Nayi_Sonch_Nayi Dunya

Introduction with past learning’s
In the initial age of the Islamic rule, there was concept of Bait-al-Maal where people used to give Zakat and Sadqa. In return the govt was responsible for managing the Bait-al-Maal, used to disperse / distribute the money for the following people in need,

1. Poor’s
2. Travelers
3. Scholarships for the students
4. Insurance for the old people (Health and Food)
5. Allowances to those who asked questions

The money was also being spent of the infrastructure development like, making schools, roads and hospitals.

Currently, especially in those nations where Muslims are minority like India, all Muslims do contribute to Zakat but it has been observed that un-organized distribution of Zakat is not bringing significant change in the lives of people.

How to align it for better and dynamic future:

With changing time and impact of capital on business, even if our youth have innovative ideas to convert the idea into business, they cant execute it because of the weak financial backup. If we would be able to organize the Zakat and Sadqah and other similar charity and make it through regular NGO (kind of set-ups) who will invest in the START-UP. These NGO under preview of Indian Law will invest and groom the Business Startups as Incubators.

While, funding of these start-ups by NGO, (based on Zakat finance) will make a business deal with Start-up that NGO will have share of say…10%, 25%, 30% or 50% based on the agreement between two. The money earned by NGO through these Start-ups should be used in the infrastructure development like Schools, colleges, Hospitals, community insurance system and further backing up for the new Start-ups from community.

This will provide a welfare come business come welfare ecosystem and it will be self-sustaining Model. It will give further employment for our youth and nation building.

The new technological advancement, removed the age old idea of doing business or a traditional approach of doing business. Business are done through apps and internet through remote (for example). In order to be remaining alive / effective as community, we need to invest in the intellectual property based on viable idea supported by community finance for newer generation.

Committee: It should be constituted with people of our community from Corporations / Law / Civil Society / Progressive religious scholars with complete professionalism. They will be also able to review and project submitted by any new startups before granting actual Grant for business.

The system should be transparent and auditable so as to minimize and nullify the corruption chances within organisation.

(If you like this idea, propagate to others, organize and execute)

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