Thursday, April 5, 2018

2019 General Election – What to gain what to lose

2019 General Election – What to gain what to lose
2019 General Election either would be a last election or it will continue as usual depending upon whether BJP wins the General Election 2019 or not.

It will bring new hopes for Dalits / Muslims / Christian / Sikh and for communists if BJP will lose the election 2019. If BJP wins, then 1st target will be the Muslims and then slowly others till you accept slavery and kingdom of RSS.

BJP will try 200% to win the election 2019 to celebrate 2025 as 100 years of foundation of RSS to make India as Hindutva Nation.

*So what is alternative plan we have?* 

In worst case scenario if BJP wins the election 2019, there would not election in future, as in both Loksabha and Rajya Sabha, BJP will have majority to change the constitution and legally through parliament, law will come as slavery for us. What Narendra Modi has promised as *NEW INDIA* similar to British India.

It is now responsibility of every individual citizen to concentrate on 2019 general election to save India and to save other Indian citizens to not become slave of RSS in future. We must need to be a very responsible citizen to not waste our energy / and not divide our votes.
Let’s not be *emotional fool*, let’s not be *religious fools* to support the caste or religion but let’s be rationale to save us as nation.

In order to keep the BJP away from electoral gain in 2019, Dalits + Muslims + Christians + Communists + Tribals + Sikh (DMCCTS), together constitute more that 80% of Indian population (90 Crore Indians). Let’s not make more than 90 Crore Indians as slaves to 15% population.

We have to fight this election with strategy, *with sweat, with blood, with money everything you require to defeat the BJP to come in power and more important is Togetherness (DMCCTS). Let’s ask Owasi to not fight election for another 5 years by sending him a written request.
Let’s ask people of J&K to participate in election and come for maximum voter turnout. Let’s ask congress to make alliances with others genuinely, if congress is not coming genuinely, then leave the congress alone but not vote for congress. If there are multiple Muslim candidates funded by BJP, contesting for election in same constituency, let’s not give a single vote. Lets ask Imams and Maulana to not give political statement for another 1 to 2 years as it helps RSS to counter polarize the vote of majority population in reaction.

BJP will incite the communal violence to create the polarization but WE the people of India has to respond the BJP violence with cool, calm and lets pledge to not post or propagate the communal messages to each other on social media sites, either through whatsapp or facebook or twitter or by any other means. Ramnavmi Julus is over and we have seen that BJP taking advantage of festivals to turn in communal riots, BJP will take advantage of other festivals among which is most important is *Holi 2019* which would be very near to 2019 election.

BJP no have Agenda but winning through polarization / communal violence. And this is going to be the biggest electoral trap if not understood on time. You need to be vigilant about what is happening on your village and Mohalla. Do not allow the communal tension to spread. Immediately ask the police and handover the matter to police and avoid communal violence message spreading.

Only spread the message of Hindu-Muslim togetherness not the bitterness.
Because if it happened to you and even you will share your experience as Muslim that injustice happened to you, RSS will take advantage of this by showing Mughals history to majority community that they are taking revenge of Mughal era which has nothing related to you. Let’s not allow such messages of bitterness even come to media, resolve it at the same place.

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