Saturday, April 14, 2018

Deen Bachao, Desh Bachao / दीन बचाओ, देश बचाओ

If heading would have been like Sanvidhan Bachao, Desh Bachao then all communities irrespective of religion, and liberals and thinkers would have come to this rally.

But it’s looking like Muslim-Muslim Affairs. It is should be a national affairs because constitutional values are on stake in current government, therefore all communities should come along with you without thinking on religious identities.

Muslims responsibility now is taking all communities along then only Muslims will be accepted as leaders else, RSS has already inculcated in the mind of the Hindu youths that if any Muslim will speak he will speak for the rights of Muslims not for Hindus and Christians and this kind of rally (Deen Bachao, Desh Bachao) will prove further that RSS is right.

Furthermore, Saving Deen is Allah responsibility as he has kept the Quran in Loh-e-Mahfuz, none can change. If Deen will be changed by current people then Allah will bring the other people who will follow the deen.

Let’s not interfere in the work where Allah has taken the guarantee himself.

Our duty should be to speak on the fundamental rights, injustices irrespective to religious identity & Caste and rights of social equality which Allah has given responsibility on the human and obligatory responsibility to believers to establish justice, equality and brotherhood. Basic human right must not be compromised be it Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jews or atheist.

Allah hum sabko Sahi Samajhne aur Amal Kerne ki Taufiq Ata kare. Amen.

Updated on 16 / 04 / 2016.

There is news coming out that Deen Bachao, Desh Bachao Rally was actually to full fill the political ambitions of some Ullema in Bihar. Soon after the rally, on 15th April evening rally convener, Mr. Khalid Anwar was given ticket for MLC. Sources said that it was initially offered to Mr. Wali Rahmani. It is sad to see that those who advocate the deen are actually playing in the hand of politicians like Nitish Kumar who recently could not control the communal riots in various cities in Bihar despite of being in power on the occasion of Ramnavmi. Bihar witnessed loot and communal violence between the two communities.

Muslims need to learn how to dissociate politics from religious body. Otherwise, it will always lead to a sentimental situation where Hynas of the jungle will eat you while you are alive. Lets our Ullema to confine theirs activity in the religious affairs only, they are not being taught the politics and constitution. So they are not eligible to stand on the behalf of community on political ground with religious flavor.

This situation is similar to RSS hacked the Hinduism like convener Khalid Anwar did. He used religion for his benefit to get the ticket of MLC. What deal he had with Nitish Kumar about abolition of criminal provision of instant triple Talaq to put men in jail for 3 years and what Nitish Kumar is going to do in this regard. We want to know. He can not play with sentiments of lakhs muslims participated in rally leaving their houses, kids and family. They spent money and time on it. In return what they get, what Khalid Anwar will give to community to safe guard the fundamental rights to practice a religion?


  1. pehli baat to yeh ke Insaniyat lao desh bachao aur insan bachao.
    har dharm mein insaniyat pehle sikhai gyi hai....jab insaniyat dil o dimagh mein rahegi to dharm or mazhab ki ladai jagah nhi legi.
    You are absolutely write Masihuddin , topic should be related to the nation for all communities, it should not be related to any religion.


  2. Ham apney gumaan ko Haq samajh baithtey hain.
    Yahaan Nitish ney Muslim-qiyaadat ki qabr khod Di aur bad-gumaan log ulta Imaarat key peechey hi lag gaye.
